Framed Custom Printed Fabrics

Custom-printed fabrics wrapped on a stretcher frame are great for any room.

Giant Printing offers printed fabric that is wrapped around and bound to wood stretchers, creating a frame.

All fabrics for printing are made using synthetic fabric that limits mold growth. Our printer provides high-quality printed fabric that is customized by the image you provide or request. After the fabric is printed on, the ink is heat set to prevent it from running. A variety of sizing options are available, including large-scale prints or even multiple small prints that create one larger image. Printed fabric is suitable for office building atriums, office signage, house interiors, and more.

  • High-Resolution printing
  • Brilliant colors
  • Durable
  • Small and large optional sizes
  • Eco-friendly
  • Certified Fire retardant
  • Light and easy to hang – Recyclable
  • Elegant look
  • Soundproofing

Framed Custom Printed Fabrics are an ideal solution suitable for both commercial and residential spaces. Available in a variety of sizes, your graphic images, can be printed, stretched, and displayed using our high-quality, fire-retardant fabric and showcased on a do-it-yourself wood frame. Giant Printing’s exclusive 2-step printing process allows for greater control of color, sharpness, and detail that produces showcase quality images that rival many if not most art galleries.

Suitable for all public spaces, office buildings, atriums, commercial signage, interior home design, and much, much more. Our printed fabrics can even aid in soundproofing, deadening sounds, reducing echoes, and work in combination with all manner of acoustic sound absorbing and insulation cores.